How to Meditate with a Mala
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

How to Meditate with a Mala

This tactile method helps maintain concentration and focus and anchor the mantra or breath.

In Bhakti, malas can help us remember the mantra with devotion, sincerity and full attention. The practice of repetition can help in intention setting and manifesting goals.

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Creative Conducere
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

Creative Conducere

In healing lingo, the word “conduit” means to channel energy to allow flow, movement and change. In Latin, it means to “bring together”.

These two intentions, impermanence and unity, support Relics of A Wolfe, they are the driving forces behind my creativity.

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Practicing Patience
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

Practicing Patience

Keep coming back to the craft you love, even if only to validate yourself.

If it's of service, if it makes you feel well and joyful, it is lights your heart on fire, keep practicing, keep learning, keep on dreaming, keep on crafting.

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The Subtle Art of Surrender
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

The Subtle Art of Surrender

Grief is a burden we will carry, as a testament to the love shared for what was sacrificed and to our Self, an infinite love that knows no true end. One of life’s magical and divine connections I trust we all share with source.

It is our birthright to receive nature’s blessings.

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Scarlet Wistaria
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

Scarlet Wistaria

As Artists, I think there is value in acknowledging those moments of “failure”.

It’s an opportunity to be honest with that tender part of our Self, to learn to separate from the thought and reach a higher perspective that reframes judgement.

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An Artisans Quest for Kudos
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

An Artisans Quest for Kudos

These deeply conditioned wounds of scarcity, validation and attachment have got to change, if nothing for the sake of the better good.

I believe the healing process is complete when the space to share about the pain is reached, then the art of letting go begins.

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Overcast of the Soul
Amber Wolfe Amber Wolfe

Overcast of the Soul

What guides me back to balance is remembering the sun; it’s light and warmth; it’s purifying, cleansing, vitamin-dense healing energy.

The comforting thing about the sun is, it’s always there, even on the cloudiest of days, it’s hiding underneath.

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